I have recently received several enquiries from people who need assistance with English language job applications. Of course, I am more than happy
to help - whether you require proofreading, direct translations, a British-style CV, an American-style résumé or cover letters.
A good CV/résumé can mean the difference between getting an interview and having your application tossed into the nearest waste basket. Don't run
the risk. Let a qualified and experienced native speaker provide you with a professional CV/résumé which will impress potential employers and – most importantly – help you to secure that much wanted
Depending on the volume of work, I can usually proofread or translate your job application within 24 hours. Prices start at just EUR 0.10 per word
and I also offer a discount of 5% on first orders. All information will be treated in the strictest confidence and no details will be passed on to third parties.
Please feel free to e-mail me at info@proofread-english.com for a non-binding quotation or if you have further